Mochii for Insects & Life Sciences

Insects up close


In the field : Advanced Science Learning

Fascination with insects leads many young learners into deeper science studies and science careers. But by high school, hand lenses and dissection microscopes are no longer sufficient to probe for new discoveries about ants, moths, and flies caught in the park.

Sarah Goh, a student at Seattle Academy, was able to take her fascination much further with Mochii. She used a Mochii to investigate insect structures for her 10th grade science project, and discovered differences in eye structures, foot structures, and sensory bristles. Sarah’s project and her deep enthusiasm for science were a highlight among her cohort and featured in a STEM special event at Seattle Academy.

Sarah Goh’s Mochii Insect Samples

House Fly Lashes

House Fly Lashes

House Fly Labella (Tongue)

House Fly Labella (Tongue)

House Fly Antennae

House Fly Antennae

Ant Antennae

Ant Antennae

“Direct observation allows learners to develop deeper understanding of scientific phenomena. Mochii delivers direct observation.”